
Google Ads

Build your online presence and traffic quickly. Google Ads can you get your business results now and into the future.

If you are ambitious about your business & online presence and would like to work with us please get in touch to get started.

Fast Results

The quickest way to the top of the search engine results for your chosen keywords is Google Ads. With the right targeting and budget, you can sit at the very top of Google above the map listings and the organic search results. Your business can be the first result on page 1 for your chosen keywords - if you have the budget to compete for that spot, and have relevant content available on your website for those keywords.

To get the right ad content, mix of keywords, geographical targeting and more, all matched with the right cost per click can take a little time to set up & monitor, but Google Ads will deliver targeted customers to your site far faster than a well worked SEO campaign. And it may even be cheaper and offer a better ROI. Generally within a couple of weeks you should be seeing results and have a solid direction for continuous improvement. A good Google Ads campaign needs three key elements: the Ads, good landing pages to convert leads and continuing analysis of costs & traffic.

Check your industry

In some industries, you won't be seen even if you are the top organic result as this listing is placed below both the top ads and the map section, placing your listing well below the fold. Enter your most important keyword into Google and check to see how many of your competitors are using Google Ads, and whether or not your industry is considered a 'local search keyword' and if the results include maps. This will help you decide if Google Ads ( previously known as Google AdWords ) is the best way to the top of your industry searches.

Google Ads give instant results and can be a very cost-effective way of generating leads if SEO competition in your market is tough for your main keywords and you need to start seeing results immediately. Often it is best matched with some SEO and conversion path work to ensure that the landing pages for your adverts are well targetted and achieve the best return for your Ad costs & a cost-effective cost per click.

Are there drawbacks?

The drawback of Google Ads is that as soon as you stop spending you will stop seeing results, it can also take a little time to get the balance of adverts right so that you aren't wasting money on ads that don't provide results due to geography, wording, or other targeting issues. At the start are some 'sunk costs' to your advertising, but with good iteration cycles as the initial data arrives, generally this rapidly improves. Then your monthly maintenance drops significantly and it's more a matter of fine-tuning, monitoring the analytics and dealing with competitors and market shifts as they arise.

The other main set-up cost can be ensuring that your website converts visitors when they arrive. If you are getting traffic but they aren't turning into clients, then we need to figure out why that's happening & fix it - this may be the site design or layout, and it may be the way the ads are written or targeted. It's more common in the beginning of a campaign to discover these sorts of issues, and if we have access to edit your site we can work both ends of the puzzle to solve them in tandem with running the Google Ad campaign.

Expected costs

New account & reporting set up is ~$600, monthly costs then depend on how competitive your market is and the time needed to get your ads right for your market. You can expect ~$200 per month plus the cost of the adverts.

How do you get started?

If you'd like to start getting more qualified leads, or have questions about how Google Ads works, talk to us today. We mainly work on Google Ads with clients across New Zealand.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

There are three main pillars to SEO: Content, Structure & Authority. All three need to be in balance for your site to perform well in search engine results, or for your Google Ads campaigns to have high relevance and in turn lower cost per click (more traffic for less money).


Keeping your site up to date with new and interesting content is as important today as it was twenty years ago. Content is still king. Many people do this by writing FAQs or pages covering the top customer question or internal search terms from the week. Answering these questions online reduces the time you spend on customer service, and helps reduce customer frustration, as well as adding new and useful content to your site.

Can your customers find all of the answers to their questions on your site? Can your customers interact with your website in the same ways that they interact with you directly on the phone or in-person? Where possible, these are the areas to round out first.

Once you create your content, then you can move into the stage of promoting that content and making sure you get as much return on your investment as possible. This leads to the Queen of SEO- Authority.


Your authority ranking is a numerical value (hidden) that describes how much of an expert in your field you appear to be online. You build authority with your online presence in the same way that you build it offline - the more people come to you for advice & information, the more of an authority you are on your topic. How do you recreate this online?

There are many methods to create authority online, and every business will have a different set of techniques that will make sense for their business. Common areas are:


This is how well your site is set up. Are your pages easy for robots to read & understand? Does your site meet the currently accepted usability standards? This is a mixture of content writing & technical know-how, and is partly determined by the platform your site is built on.

Here are some things to consider:

SEO is a large topic, and fixing any issues that may be causing your ranking to be lower than it should be will help your site in many ways beyond just being better ranked in the search engines. An important part of owning a website is to keep up with best practices in all of these areas, as they change over time.

We can help you with any or all of these items. Talk to us today to start building your online presence.